Adam Michael

How & When did you join 808 Breakers?

Member since 2012. I came to Hawaii from New York City in 2011. I was a solo B-boy and turned down multiple crews that wanted me as a member. I met Ark at practice and we caught a vibe and had mutual respect for each other. He invited me to hang out at the UH dorms after, where we played breaking roulette, throwing our hardest rounds to Britney Spears and other pop chart singles. It reminded me of the fun I had when I started dancing. That’s when I knew this was my crew.

How did you get into dancing/breaking?

I was 11 and my friend from kindergarten came over and we always exchanged dances that we learned in our schools. One day he came and taught me how to do a backspin on cardboard in the basement.

I was hooked for life.

What are some of your hobbies other than dancing?


Music production.




Do you have any favorite movies, shows, or games?

Anime & Documentaries.

Favorite music artists?

Bob Marley.

Michael Jackson.

James Brown.

Earth, Wind, and Fire.

The Temptations.

Marvin Gaye.


Erykah Badu.

Kanye West.


Adam Michael.

What do you do now, currently in life?

Write and produce music. Performing and recording artist. Dance instructor. I also recently started a fashion/lifestyle brand.

Would you like to impart any wisdom or any value that you believe in?

Do what you LOVE.

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