Austin Alimbuyuguen

How & When did you join 808 Breakers?

I met Karma back in 2017 because he was throwing a Jam in Maui called Leave it on The Floor. I was looking for events to film at the time and my friend Brandon Haros [another dancer] told me about the event. I reached out to Karma and asked if I could record and make an edit for the event. I would later meet the rest of the crew and create more videos for their event The Melting Pot.

In 2020 I got a call from Karma to come over and asked if I wanted to be in 808. I said "I don't know how to dance." We talked story, we drank, we made noise.

How did you get into dancing/breaking?

Funny enough I started dancing after meeting Karma, but I only know a few things.

I can't break though.

What are some of your hobbies other than dancing?

Lettering, fishing but catch no fish, photography, music, reading really good books, writing.

Do you have any favorite movies, shows, or games?



The Social Network

Shaun of The Dead

Rush Hour 2

The Legend of Drunken Master

The Dark Knight Trilogy

Harry Potter Series

Everything Everywhere All At Once

Ip Man

Inglourious Bastards

The Imitation Game

King Richard






Attack on Titan!



The Get Down

Sherlock (BBC)

Silicon Valley


The Umbrella Academy

The Bear



Exit Through The Gift Shop

bang the machine

Dirty Hands: The Art and Crimes of David Choe

The Tinder Swindler


Street Fighter & Tekken

Favorite music artists?

The Strokes, Panic At The Disco, Bruno Major, Arctic Monkeys, Rex Orange County, Gallant, Kanye West.

Any genre besides Country. (Forgive me.)

What do you do now, currently in life?

Shoot videos and try to get paid for it.

Photo by John Rodarte

Would you like to impart any wisdom or any value that you believe in?

Always learn both sides of the story.

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