Leighton Rob

How & When did you join 808 Breakers?

I don’t honestly remember since it’s been so long but a good memory was when Jin, who was the leader at that time, brought the Kaneohe guys (myself, Ark, Jared, Patrick) out to session with the town guys (Andrew, Reece, Kalani) at the Keolu Park pavilion in Kailua.

Ever since then I just started hanging out more till it was official.

Photo by: Robert Lim

How did you get into dancing/breaking?

I mean cmon - I first saw it in the "You got Served" movie. But I took it serious in High School where there were some bboys who were good and it made me inspired to get better.

What are some of your hobbies other than dancing?

Fashion, Thrifting, Sneakers, Video games.

Just hanging out too with friends.

Do you have any favorite movies, shows, or games?

Apex Legends - I’ll blame that on Ark and Funky T for that.

Favorite music artists?

Anything from the Boom Bap Era but I like all sorts of music.

What do you do now, currently in life?

Youth Development

Would you like to impart any wisdom or any value that you believe in?

“Two steps forward, One step back."

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