How & When did you join 808 Breakers?
2012. I went to this Jam called Ride the Breaks on the Big Island, and I was kicking it with Ayo [one of the members] at this house where all the breakers were housed— kind of like an airbnb. I ended up moving to Oahu pursuing to get into 808 Breakers and after a year of living in Oahu, they put me down in 808.
How did you get into dancing/breaking?
One time at KCC (Kahului Community Center), I was taking a summer program for kids... and there were these bboys who used to practice there and I just took up breaking from them.
What are some of your hobbies other than dancing?
Do you have any favorite movies, shows, or games?
Lords of Dogtown favorite movie.
Favorite game is World of Warcraft.
Favorite music artists?
Mac Miller, ATQC, Hiatus Kaiyote.
What do you do now, currently in life?
Living in Maui among family and friends.
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